Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Humbly Serving with Power


Humbly, Powerfully Serving

On Spiritual Obedience

Jul 29, 2010

Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an on-line ministry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries. This site is designed to lead you prayerfully into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here.

Brian Kenneth Wilcox
MDiv, MFT, PhD
Interspiritual Teacher, Author, Chaplain

You are invited to join Brian at his groups on Facebook : Brian Kenneth Wilcox; Sanctum of Prayer; Love & Light; Christian Spirituality. Brian is on YouTube with videos pertaining to spirituality, and on Tweeter. For details or booking of events, you can contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .

Silence is Golden - Jesus Pictures, Images and Photos

Entering the Sanctum

Enter this sanctuary time by settling down, becoming quiet, and breathing deeply some breaths. Remind yourself you are in the Presence of Love. This place you are entering, within, is the inner Temple, where you are One with God. You may wish to use a mantra, or prayer phrase, follow the breathing in-and-out, or witness the arising and falling of all around you as the manifestation of universal-Spirit. Enjoy these moments of quietly settling and come out when you are ready.


6But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say,
   “God opposes the proud
      but graces the humble.”

*James 4.6

Spiritual Teaching

I have seen all the snares of the enemy
Spread out over the world
And I said with a groan,"Who can get through such snares?"
Then I heard a voice say to me,

-St Antony Abbot

Pride is one of the foes of the soul. Pride manifests in two ways: an assertive, often aggressive, arrogance; a subtle, passive pride, wherein a person denies his or her strength and rights in a false humbleness.

Humbleness is not denial of power. Humbleness is right use of power. This right use of power, in which one asserts the True Self nonaggressivily but assertively, is to fulfill the vocation of blessing others.

I work within what is called a paramilitary context. I have learned more about the humbleness entailed in the monastic vow the Vow of Obedience. In a hierarchical system of titles and power, I am a part-time, contract Chaplain. Much I would like to do, and initiate, I cannot, by nature of the system. Then, where is my power? I define wherein I do have power, and assert that power. That power is in the guidelines and duties given me. Therefore, the system humbles me in two ways: by setting boundaries to my action, and by setting boundaries that allow a focused area to affirm power to serve others.

Often in life we have to see boundaries as opportunities to learn humbleness. Humbleness allows us not to kick pridefully and rebelliously against limitations, but to see and utilize the opportunity within the boundaries. Then, boundaries can be expanded through time and loyalty, and showing oneself a worthy servant for Good.


How can you apply the vow of obedience to your daily life, even if you do not live under such a vow? What boundaries do you live within that define both limits to your assertion and opportunities for service?

©Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries. 07/29/2010

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*OneLife Ministries is a ministry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox, SW Florida. Brian lives a vowed life, as an Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer. He lives with his two doggie friends, Bandit Ty and St. Francis and serves as writer, teacher, and jail Chaplain. He is creator and administrator of the Facebook sites Sanctum of Prayer, Christian Spirituality, and his business site Love & Light. His personal Facebook page is Brian Kenneth Wilcox.

*You can order his book An Ache for Union from major booksellers.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Humbly Serving with Power

©Brian Wilcox 2024